Obstetric Training Simulator -complete set-
Comprehensive maternal body set for skills training in vaginal examinations during labor and delivery
The external genitalia is made of innovative material that excels in elasticity durability resilience for effective and repetitive training.
| velamen (amniotic sac)
| vaginal canal
| ischial spine
| pubic symphysis
| coccyx
| anterior fontanelle
Cervical examination
- 5 types of cervical dilation models and fetal descent positions can be interchanged with a single action.
- Descent of the fetus can be set by the lever on the holder. (from -3 to +3)
- Station zero, the line that connects ischial spines can be recognized.
| Cervix scoring in the first stages of labor
| Check fetal head position
| Determination of bishop score (cervix score)
| Speculum examination (i.e. Pap smear testing)
| Urinary catheterization
| Cervical cytology
Delivery assistance
Smooth and realistic delivery
- Skills training associated with anatomical understanding.
- Position of the fetus against the pelvis can be observed under direct vision during the delivery.
Delivery assistance for different delivery positions(dorsal, all-fours)
Perineal protection
Delivery of fetus(forceps delivery, vacuum extraction)
Clamping, tying and cutting of the umbilical cord
Delivery of the placenta
Inspection of placenta and velamen
Perineorrhaphy (perineal repair)
Repetitive suture training for the first-degree perineal tears.
First-degree perineal tear repair
| Single interrupted suture
| Vertical mattress suture