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About UsAs a company that contributes to
improving global medical skills

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My name is Toshi Takayama and I am the sixth president of Kyoto Kagaku Co., Ltd. Our company was founded shortly after World War Ⅱ from the anatomical model and specimen division of Shimadzu Corporation, and we have carried on this enterprise for over half a century, celebrating our 70th anniversary in 2018. Maintaining growth and continuity in today’s economy is not easy for small and medium-sized businesses such as ours, but we have been blessed with both good social standing and devoted employees that together have helped us accomplish all that we have while maintaining longevity in the health and education market. Among such accomplishments in recent years has been our long-awaited overseas expansion, however, that is but one avenue of what we hope to be many forged in the near future. In Japan the business environment operates on the understanding that further growth is not a product of fulfillment in one’s achievements alone. I am by no means an excellent pilot, but I hope to maintain our current momentum and to that end I plan on using my tenure as president towards realizing our goal of achieving 100 years of the Kyoto Kagaku brand.

Toshi Takayama, President

Corporate Information

Company NameKyoto Kagaku Co., Ltd.
RepresentativeToshi Takayama, President
EstablishmentJune 8, 1948
Head Office15 Kitanekoya-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto 612-8388, Japan
Capital80 million yen
Fiscal year-endMay 31
Main financing
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd./ The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Our Business
  • Developing manufacturing and distribution of skill training products for medical and nurse training
  • Developing, manufacturing and distribution of medical imaging phantoms
  • Manufacturing and distribution of anatomical models and specimens

ISO 9001:2015 & JIS Q 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015 & JIS Q 14001:2015

Date of Certification: 4 June 2021

  • Head Office
    Registration No. :
    QA210095, EA210096
    Developing, manufacturing and distribution of skill training products for medical and nurse training
    Developing, manufacturing and distribution of medical imaging phantoms
    Reproduction of cultural property of historic value
  • Tokyo Branch / Sendai Office
    Registration No. :
    QA210095a, EA210096a
    Distribution of Skill Training Products for Medical and Nurse Training
    Distribution of Medical Imaging Phantoms



Action to
Achieve the SDGs


SDGs Declation

In April 2022, we published the "SDGs Declaration"

SDGs Declation
Click the image to see it in PDF

Contributing to the Cultivation of Healthcare Personnel in Ecuador

Our proposal for "Strengthening Human Resources for Universal Health Coverage in Ecuador by Promoting, Verifying, and Commercializing Simulation-Based Medical Education" was selected by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as one of its SME/SDG business support projects for 2018. Universal health coverage means "to ensure that all people can receive the health services they need at an affordable cost" and it is a core part of SDG Goal 3 (health and welfare).

The Ecuadorean government is currently working to realize universal health coverage and reduce disparities in healthcare. However, to do this, it needs highly-skilled healthcare professionals and to cultivate personnel who can handle a wide range of changing health situations. We want to support its efforts by contributing to the training of healthcare professionals who can make an immediate impact. Therefore, we are using Kyoto Kagaku medical education simulators to create an environment for practical training in the country, realizing simulation-based medical education that reflects actual conditions.

From December 2019 to January 2023, this simulation-based medical education is being carried out at the Central University of Ecuador's Faculty of Medical Science. We estimate that as a result, over 200 new doctors and nurses will graduate each year with the necessary skills. Once this trial period is completed, we plan to develop a simulation-based medical education business improving the quality of simulation-based education. tailored to individual situations. In this way, we will continue to support personnel development by promoting and continually


Since 1891

1891Shimadzu Corp. begins the manufacture of educational scientific specimens
1895Shimadzu Corp. establishes the educational scientific specimens division
1930Development of wood-pulp fiber mannequins
1944Shimadzu factory is closed due to World War II
1948Kyoto Kagaku Co., Ltd. is established
1948The factory is reopened and trade with the U.S. resumes
1954Production of Buddhist statue replicas using synthetic resin
1967Commercial manufacture of resinous human skeleton models
1995Kyoto begins offering educational programs for foreign trainees as part of the Japanese International Cultural Association (JICA) program
2000Development of the cardiology patient simulator "Simulator K," the company receives ISO 9001 certification
2003"Simulator K" and "LSAT" patented in the U.S., "EYE" Examination Simulator patented in Japan
2009Awarded the 43rd Good Company Grand Prize by The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of Japan
2010New headquarter and factory building opens in Kyoto, Japan
2014Kyoto Kagaku America Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary, is established in Torrance, California
2019European representative office opens in Frankfurt, Germany
2020Toshi Takayama is appointed president